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Flow cytometry 분석 - 면역세포 Cluster of differentiaion (CD) marker 정리

민트맛커피 2023. 7. 10. 17:23

Flow cytometry 분석 시 사용하는 immune cell CD marker 정리 

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also known as Protein tyrosine phosphatse, receptor type C (PTPRC)

leukocyte common antigen (LCA, 백혈구 공통항원)

extracellular domain을 가진 PTP

적혈구, 혈소판을 제외한 유학세포 표면에 발현되며, 특히 임파구에서 발현이 높음


CD45 isoform

extracellular domain의 O-linked carbohydrated 결합 영역의 alterantive splicing과 glycosylation에 차이에 의하여 isoform을 형성

mRNA splicing 에 의한 isoform: ABC, AB, AC, BC, A, B, O (no exons)

모든 isoform의 동일한 도메인

1) 383-amino-acid extracellular region

2) 22-amino-acid transmembrane peptide

3) 707-amino-acid cytoplasmic region

4) 8-amino-acid at amino-terminus


CD45 isoform
출처: https://www.bio-rad-antibodies.com


  Exon Expression
4 5 6
CD45RA + - - naive T cells
CD45RB - + - 220KDa glycoprotein
peripheral B cell, naive T cell, thymocyte, weakly on macrophage, dendritic cell
CD45RC - - +  
CD45RAB + + -  
CD45RAC + - +  
CD45RBC - + +  
CD45RABC + + + B cell (B220)
CD45RO - - - activated and memory T cells, some B cell subsets, activated monocytes/macrophages, granulocytes




T cell co-receptor 

Cytotoxic T cell (CD8+ T cell), T helper cell (CD4+ T cell) 활성화에 관여 

CD3 structure
츌처: https://www.bio-rad-antibodies.com/



CCR7 (C-C motif chemokine receptor 7)

선택적으로 naive T cell, mature DC에 발현

일부 memory T cell (effector-memory T cell) 발현

CCR7에 반응하는 두 개의 CCR7 ligand (chemokine CCL21, CCL19)는 2차 림프조직에 항상 발현되어 있음 -> lymphocyte homing의 주요 물질 

CCR7과 CCR7 ligand는 면역반응을 시작하는데 필요한 미세 환경을 조성하는데 중요한 인자, 활성화된 T 세포의 이동 결정




also knwon as Lewis x or Lex

strongly expressed by neutrophils, eosinophis, monocytes, macrophages, mast cells and normal myleoid precursor cells

not expressed on normal erythrocytes, platelets or lymphocytes

염증반응 개시에 관여, 세포간 인식 과정에서 역할




CD16 (FcγRIII) consists of two isoforms, FcγIIIa (CD16a), FcγIIIb (CD16b)

NK cell, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophage 표면에 발현, CD16b는 neutrophils 에만 발현

FcγRIII는 IgG의 Fc에 결합하여 면역신호전달과정 활성화




also known as 2B4 receptor

expresed in NK cells, CD8+ T cells, basophils, monocytes, eosinophils




expressed on cells of myelomonocyte lineage - monocytes, macrophages and some granulocytes

선천성 면역반응의 중요 인자 - LPS receptor와 complex 형성, apoptotic cells 식세포 작용에 역할 등


CD14 mechansim signaling
출처: Wikipedia



also known as B-Lymphocyte Surface Antigen B4, T-Cell Surface Antigen Leu-12, CVID13

정상 및 악성 B cell 특이적 표면 단백질, 모든 phase의 B-cell development 과정에서 발현

B 세포의 발달, 증식 및 분화, 악성 형질전환에 중요한 역할을 함

BCR-dependent and independent signaling에 관여 

CD19을 표적으로 하는 면역 항암 요법 - CAR-T, ADC, Antiody 등


CD19 isomerizationCD19-mediated cell therapy
출처: https://www.cusabio.com/                                                                                 출처: https://www.origene.com/




marker in the determination of human natural killer (NK) cell subsets (mouse에서는 T cell에서 발현)

CD56의 발현 정도는 NK cell의 maturation, tissue-specific substes 등에 따라서 달라짐

  • CD56 bright / CD56 dim 으로 나뉨
    - CD56 bright: CD56 발현 높음, less mature, cytokine production 
    - CD56 dim: CD56 발현 낮음, more mature, cytotoxic ability
  •  Population
    - CD56 dim > CD56 bright in peripheral blood (PB)-NK cells
    - Predominant CD56 bright in secondary lymphod and other tissue
  • CD56 negative NK cells: found at low frequenceis in healthy individuals, increasing numbers during chronic viral infection


CD56 bright dim
출처:Trends in Immunology, November 2010, Vol. 31, No. 11


CD56 brightness
출처: Cellular & Molecular Immunology, volume 15, pages 1071–1073 (2018)





> 참고문헌

이경일. "백혈구에서 CD45 분자의 역할." (1996): 1652-1660.

어성국, and 조정곤. "CCR7 Ligand 의 Memory CD4+ T 세포 증가유도 및 바이러스 감염에 대한 방어효과." Immune Network 3.1 (2003): 29-37.

El-Shazly, A. E., Henket, M., Lefebvre, P. P., & Louis, R. (2011). 2B4 (CD244) is involved in eosinophil adhesion and chemotaxis, and its surface expression is increased in allergic rhinitis after challenge. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology24(4), 949-960.

Tesfaigzi, Yohannes, and Massoud Daheshia. "CD14." (2006): 343-347.


Björkström, Niklas K., Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, and Johan K. Sandberg. "CD56 negative NK cells: origin, function, and role in chronic viral disease." Trends in immunology 31.11 (2010): 401-406.

Poznanski, Sophie M., and Ali A. Ashkar. "Shining light on the significance of NK cell CD56 brightness." Cellular & molecular immunology 15.12 (2018): 1071-1073.